Home Church 5/3/2020

Welcome to week seven of SBC home church. As we continue to go through the book of Philippians together, this resource is a guide for you as you set aside time to stop and worship the Lord by yourself, with your family, or in whatever context you may be.

This week we are looking at Philippians 2:3-11 where Paul calls us to live in humility with each other looking for the best interest of others. Paul then goes on to show his readers the best illustration of this humility in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus lived this out daily and went to the cross on our behalf.

In what ways have you put others ahead of yourself this week? Our prayer for this lesson is that we will be reminded of the Person and Work of Jesus Christ and imitate His love, His grace and His humility in how we live.

Before beginning the lesson, if you’re able, ask someone to open in prayer. (Parents – Ask a child to open up in prayer.)

Sing The Word

Read The Word

  • Read Philippians 2:3-11  (If you can read the text in the NIRV for your children)

(Parents –  While watching the sermon encourage your children to draw a picture of their siblings and draw/write down how they can love them this week. If you have younger kids, write “Serving Others” in block letters for them to color during the message. This can be a great discussion later on as family.)

Hear The Word

Discuss The Word

  • What is your favorite comfort food? Explain why.
  • In what ways have you been selfish this week?

(What is something you did not want to share with anyone this week? Explain why.)

  • Does looking more to your own interests or looking to the interests of others mark your life? In what ways?

(Who do you put first more often, yourself or others? What are some ways you can put others in your family first this week?)

  • In vs. 6-8 Paul’s describes Jesus’ humility; What stands out to you in this text and why? (Read the text a few times with your kids and ask them what words or phrases stand out and why?)
  • How does seeing these attributes of Jesus inspire or encourage you to live more like Him?

(After reading the passage, what are some ways you can live out Jesus’ example in your life?)

Practice The Word

  • Memorize Philippians 2:6-8 “though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross
  • Connect with someone; Call a friend you haven’t talked to and ask how you can pray for them. Pray for them on the phone and then later that week send an email, text or hand written card letting them know you are praying for them.
  • Take Action; Write down 3 actions you can make this week by putting others before yourself. (example: doing something of your kids’ choice, spending intentional time with your family without your phone etc.)

Pray The Word

  • Read versus 3 – 8 and pray them out loud during your prayer time. Ask God to transform your life so that you would be humble like Christ so that you would live like Christ. Be specific in your prayers about the areas you need to humble yourself so that you would live a life worthy of the Gospel.

Ways to Give

Giving of our finances is a response of worship to God who created us, saved us, and is continually at work in the lives of each of His children to reflect more and more of the character of Jesus Christ. Giving is an opportunity to respond to the gospel of Christ in a way that we can find our heart freed to reflect the generous heart of God:

2 Cor 9:7-8 “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”

Sanger Bible Church

730 “O” Street 

Sanger Ca, 93657

***We will continue to keep everyone updated regarding our gatherings. If you have any questions, concerns or needs please contact any staff member and/or elder. We have listed the staff emails below.









One Response

  1. Thank you Pastor Pete for a great sermon. This week has been especially hard. I am thankful I found my life group who reaches out and stays connected during this hard time. They have been great. Praying for the church, protection and safety until we meet again.

    Yvette M.

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