Home Church Lesson 4/5/2020

Welcome to week four of SBC home church. For the next several weeks we are going to be going through the book of Philippians together. Our hope is that you will still take time on Sundays to stop and worship the Lord by yourself, with your family, or in whatever context you may be. We will be providing you weekly with resources to help you do just that. This week we are going to look at Philippians 1:12-18 and it’s evident that Paul is not focused on his circumstances. How about us? Are we focused on our circumstances? Our prayer for this lesson is that we will learn to see God at work in every situation and get involved as Paul does in advancing the Gospel.

Before reading through the passage, if you’re able, ask someone to open in prayer.

(Parents – Ask a child/student to open up in prayer.)

As you get started, Read Philippians 1:12-18

(Parents –  While watching the sermon encourage your children to draw a picture about something they hear.  If you have younger kids, write the word Encourage in block and let them color it.  Then discuss their pictures together as a family.  For further discussion, take a look at the options below:

1) Write down all the verses mentioned in the sermon and look them up later.

2) Count how many times the word “circumstances” is mentioned. Discuss how you can rejoice in the midst of trials.)

Think about a time when your agenda or plans got changed. How did you respond and adjust to that?

(When things don’t go your way, how do you respond?)

How has your attitude been since we have been asked to Shelter in place?

(How has your attitude been since we’ve been asked to stay home?)

According to verses 12-14, what were some results of Paul’s imprisonment in his life and the lives of others?

(Parents, read verses 12-14 in the NIRV and ask your kids, “What stands out to you in these verses?”)

How did Paul’s imprisonment encourage others to proclaim the word of God?

(How were people changing because Paul was in prison?)

How can we further the Gospel while in this situation? How can we disciple our children? How can we stir each other’s affections to the Lord?

(How can you help and encourage your parents throughout this week? What are some ways your family can focus on the Lord this week?)


Beginning Sunday (April 5th) we will have short videos about Jesus’ journey to the cross. Follow the daily videos of Holy week and dive into the passages that are mentioned. All the videos can be found on our social media outlets.

(Families- Commit to a time everyday to pray together.)

Things to pray for

  • Praise God for his faithfulness even in the midst of the current circumstances.
  • Pray for those who are suffering, people who can’t leave their houses, those who have lost jobs, those who are physically ill.
  • Pray for a Godly perspective in everything you do.
  • Pray for opportunities to stir one another up to love and good works and to encourage one another.

Worship Music

Memorize 2 Tim 2:8-9

“As preached in my gospel, for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound!”

*We will continue to keep you updated regarding our gatherings. If you have any questions, concerns, or needs, please contact any staff member and/or elder. We have listed the staff emails below.

pete@sangerbible.com                      jacob@sangerbible.com

scott@sangerbible.com                      ashley@sangerbible.com

rebecca@sangerbible.com                shandra@sangerbible.com